
What we do

Our specialty

We are here to provide you with dedicated teams operating primarily within the following categories:

Complex Software Development

Complex Software Development

Genos has a vast experience in creating and managing complex software development through dedicated teams, we make a great effort in differentiating between complex and complicated, chaotic or disorderly software development.

Technical Consultancy

Technical Consultancy

We know that Technical Consultancy is uniquely defined by each client in order to fulfill business model of the client. Technical Consultants from your dedicated team, work directly with your clients and their activities can variate from technically and business guidance to software development & integration activities.

Technical Support

Technical Support

Genos easily molds on the clients different ways of dealing with support and different interpretation associated to the concept of technical support. Today the clients of Genos are having technical support covering: 

  1. Domain specialist - offering 1st level support to end-users,
  2. Service Desk - offering 24/7, 1st level technical support to customers worldwide,
  3. Expert Support - offering 3rd level troubleshooting. 
Dedicated Team
Application Team

Engagement Models

Genos clients are successfully using one or more of the three models


An efficient way to initiate the collaboration with your exclusively designed dedicated team in Bucharest is by nominating a team leader to manage the developers from your office in Denmark.


As part of the development process, your dedicated team will expand and improve its autonomy. This process will be structured, based upon a long-term recruitment strategy and it will be fulfilled by having competent members joining the team.


As more knowledge & expertise about both the domain and the applications are acquired and anchored in the dedicated team members, the foreseeable course of action will be to partly or fully allocate team members to support the end users (internal and/or external).


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