A strong client identity towards the employee is crucial element for Genos, as it nurtures the optimum platform for creating a long-lasting cooperation between the client and employee.
Genos, appreciating cultural differences between Romania and Denmark, works to create a comprehensive understanding between all parties to ensure that each other's views are fully understood.
We empower employees to take part in creating success, cohesiveness and culture in the working place, meaningful work can help both the individual and the company to accomplish valuable results.
Client onboarding begins long before the client signs up for an agreement with GENOS. We start by offering our clients all the insights and expertise they need before embarking on the journey, but the effort from the client’s side during the onboarding starts with the first recruitment process.
Recruitment is built upon the in-depth understanding of the client’s needs and their DNA. The recruitment process is supervised and administrated by GENOS, but it requires a high involvement of the client, who takes all the important decisions during this process.
Employee onboarding starts at the client’s site, therefore the employee’s first working days actually take place at the client’s location in Denmark. Essentially and to a very high extent, the client manages the onboarding process of the employees themselves.
EDP, is a crucial tool for securing a long-term collaboration with the employee. The main goal is to align the client and the employees upon the desired goals and achievements for the coming years. Genos will participate in this process by supporting and documenting the EDP plans.
Genos is a 4-time Gazelle! We’re proud to announce that Genos has been awarded the Børsen Gazelle for the fourth consecutive year. The Børsen Gazelle award is a recognition of sustained growth, awarded to companies that have doubled their revenue or gross profit over the past four financial years. Achieving this milestone for the fourth time reflects the dedication of our teams and the trust our partners have placed in us.
Customer service and delivery are pivotal in today's business landscape, serving as key differentiators that can elevate a company's reputation and foster long-term customer loyalty. In an era where consumer expectations are higher than ever, businesses must excel in these areas to stay competitive and meet the demands of an increasingly dynamic market. This commitment is exemplified through the partnership between EIVA and GENOS, with GENOS's hub for service and delivery in Bucharest ensuring top-tier performance and satisfaction for their clients. We took the opportunity to talk to Benjamin Nielsen, Vice President of Customer Service and Delivery for EIVA, during his visit last week to our GENOS Bucharest office to spend time with the EIVA team.
Procedura stabileşte modalitatea de primire, înregistrare, examinare, efectuare de acțiuni subsecvente și soluționare a raportărilor privind încălcări ale legii, care s-au produs sau sunt susceptibile să se producă la nivelul GENOS IT SRL, drepturile și obligațiile avertizorului în interes public, măsurile de protecție ale acestuia precum și obligațiile GENOS IT SRL așa cum reies din Legea nr. 361/2022 privind protecţia avertizorilor în interes public.